Meaning Tumour markers
What does Tumour markers mean? Here you find 4 meanings of the word Tumour markers. You can also add a definition of Tumour markers yourself


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Tumour markers

A substance in the body that may indicate the presence of cancer. Markers may be secreted by the tumour itself or produced by the body in response to the cancer. Tumour markers may aid diagnosis or give an indicator of how treatment is progressing. These markers are usually specific to certain types of cancer. For example neuron-specific enolase (N [..]
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Tumour markers

Substances produced by cancer or by the body as a response to cancer.
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Tumour markers

 A substance whose presence in the blood or urine indicates the possible presence of a tumour in the body
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Tumour markers

Chemicals produced by cancer cells and released into the blood. These may suggest the presence of a tumour in the body. The markers can be found by blood tests or by testing tumour samples.

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